Dear Tenant,
The bulkhead replacement has begun in earnest and the area from M Dock to the north parking lot is surrounded by construction fencing and full of materials and machines. Access to the Marina office will be limited for the next month or so. Parking is available on the east side of the dry sheds and a pedestrian walk-way is set up from there to the Office. The construction crews are working Monday thru Thursday, so Fridays will be the best day to come to the office if you need to. Also, you can avoid some trips to the office by using the return envelope to send your moorage payments directly to the bank.
The contractor, IMCO General Construction, and the Marina staff are absolutely committed to maintaining a secure work zone to insure the safety of the Marina tenants, construction workers and Marina staff. The Contractors normal work hours are 7:00 am to 5:00 pm – Monday thru Thursday. There will be unanticipated closures .Please check the project website, for up-to-date information on site conditions, traffic restrictions and closures.
Please call the office at 206-824-5700 if you have any questions about the work areas and/or Marina access.
Joe Dusenbury
Note to Storage Yard Customers:
The north gate to the storage yard is still accessible. Please use the Cliff Avenue entrance to the Marina and remember to close and lock the gate when you leave.