Last Friday, February 15, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) granted an extension of the in-water work window to February 28, 2010 for work on the North Marina Combined Projects. This two-week extension will allow IMCO General Construction to continue with steel sheet pile driving in the area where the new bulkhead is on the water side of the existing bulkhead. Currently, they are driving piles in the area just west of the Marina Office. If IMCO is able to meet their pile driving goals during the next two weeks, they will have reached the point where the new bulkhead is to be constructed behind/land side of the existing bulkhead, thus allowing them to continue bulkhead construction out of the water. In order to meet these goals, IMCO will work the next two Saturdays (February 20 and February 27).
Beginning tomorrow, IMCO will also begin the storm drain upgrades involving the replacement/relocation of the 36” drain line and relocation of the 36” outfall. The majority of this work will take place in the area between the north end of the dry sheds and the Marina office, and in the area between the two dry sheds.
To ensure the safety of Marina visitors and construction workers, additional pedestrian and vehicle access restrictions will need to be in place at times during the next two weeks. Pedestrians wishing to access the Guest Moorage area and the M & N Docks will be required to use a new fenced walkway to the north of the Marina Office as the path between the Marina office and restrooms will be blocked at the west end of the breezeway. During this time, parking will be limited to the area on the east side of the dry sheds. Vehicles will not be allowed in the small parking lot behind the Marina office. Pedestrian and vehicle access to the area between the dry sheds and to the dry shed launch will also be prohibited during this two-week period.
The work scheduled to be accomplished during the next two weeks is key to a successful completion of the overall project. While the accompanying access restrictions may be inconvenient and frustrating, please remember that safety of both the workers and the public is the number one priority. If you have any questions or need assistance in accessing specific areas within the Marina, please contact the Marina office (206-824-5700).
We appreciate your patience during this time.