Please check back often for current project news and information
for Des Moines residents and Marina tenants/visitors.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Project Status Update - January 15, 2010

Bulkhead construction activities continued throughout December and the first part of January with IMCO General Construction installing steel sheet pile in the area between the existing Travel Lift pier to the south and N Dock to the north. This particular stretch of the new bulkhead will be made up of 45 foot and 20 foot interlocked steel sheet pile pairs. Pile driving will continue in this general area until mid-February.  The photo to the right shows the initial placement of the first few 45' sheet pile pairs.  The photo below depicts sheet pile pairs in various stages of installation as of the end of December. The 45' sheets are on left, with the 20' sheets on right almost totally submerged.

Underground utility work also took place during December. IMCO and their electrical subcontractor installed a new utility duct bank and new vault in the area just south of the west dry shed. Electricians spent a good portion of December re-routing utilities to the newly created duct banks. In addition, Marina staff also spent a significant amount of time moving the security gate control wiring and the CCTV fiber optic cables off the bulkhead and into the new duct banks.

Upcoming work this winter will include the continuation of bulkhead construction, storm drainage improvements and fuel system upgrades.

Please continue to check this website for project status updates and notifications of construction-related access restrictions affecting specific areas at the Marina.